Religious Education
As a Church school, Religious Education plays a unique part in our curriculum at Quernmore Primary School. Our vision statement ‘Rooted and grounded in love’, is at the heart of our RE curriculum.
The Intent of our RE Curriculum
At Quernmore, RE is an integral part of the children's learning journey. It examines world views and religions from three different viewpoints: what they believe (theology), why they believe (philosophy) and how this affects people’s lives (human and social science). Through RE and our separate times of mindfulness, celebration and worship, children will be equipped to develop their sense of identity and self-awareness through reflection on their own beliefs and values.
Our aim is to develop pupils who are able to think about life’s biggest questions, who are comfortable with their beliefs, and are able to hold informed, well-balanced conversations with people of any belief system.
This is in line with our Curriculum Intent statement: At Quernmore, we believe that it is essential to provide our children with the ability to hone their knowledge and skills to become inquisitive, independent and resilient learners. Children have an understanding of the importance of looking after their own health and well-being as well as showing compassion and understanding for others around them within and outside of our school community.
The Implementation of our RE Curriculum
RE is a core subject taught across the school on a weekly basis. We follow the Lancashire Agreed RE Syllabus. This syllabus, approved in line with the law, by the Agreed Syllabus Conference, SACRE and the Local Authority, explains all the requirements for the RE curriculum in Lancashire schools. It outlines statutory requirements and also the programmes of study for each key stage.
Our RE teaching is based on an inquiry-based approach. This starts with a question or problem that the children then have to apply themselves to answer. Learning experiences include: roleplay, discussion, art, interactive resources, visitors and visits to places of worship.
Legal Requirements
The primary legislation passed with regard to RE between 1944 and 1993 was consolidated by The Education Act (1996) and the School Standards and Framework Act (1998). Circular 1/94 and the subsequent revision of this guidance in 2010 (Religious Education in English Schools: Non-Statutory Guidance 2010) offered an interpretation of the legislation.
Religious Education must be taught to all registered pupils in maintained schools, including those in reception and the sixth form, except to those withdrawn by their parents (s.352(1) (a)). This requirement does not apply to nursery classes in maintained schools, but it does apply as far as is practical to pupils in special schools and PRUs. The Religious Education curriculum is set locally not nationally. In Lancashire, Religious Education must be provided in accordance with the current Lancashire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2021.
Religious education must be taught in accordance with the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus in all: a) Community schools and b) Foundation and Voluntary controlled schools (SSFA 1998 paras 2(1) and 2(2) Schedule 19)
There is a legal right of parental withdrawal from Religious Education. Parents have a legal right to withdraw their child/children from part of or the whole of the RE curriculum provided by the school.
The Impact of our RE Curriculum
Pupils’ progress in RE is based on the expected outcomes outlined in the Agreed Syllabus and in Understanding Christianity, which in turn have been developed in line with guidance produced nationally. These outcomes have been developed into 10 Key Performance Indicators for each year group and students are assessed regularly against these KPIs.
Progress in RE is reported annually to parents.
Alongside pupil progress, an equally important indicator of the success of our RE curriculum, is how the children treat themselves, one another and the wider community. Through RE teaching they should have a deeper understanding of themselves, others and the world around them. They are encouraged to live out their learning by their commitment to each other and their community.
Curriculum Map Progression in Skills Document
Christianity Progression Grid Islam Progression Grid Hindu Dharma in Progression